Codex Mendoza Folio 2R

The Codex Mendoza is painted on European paper with 71 folios bound at the spine in book style. It combines pictorial representations with Náhuatl and Spanish commentary. It is divided into three sections. The first section covers the pre-Conquest history of the Mexica. The second section documents the tributes extracted by the Mexica from subjugated altepetls. The third section records an ethnographic account of the Mexica. Consider the following question when analyzing Folio 2r from the Codex Mendoza:

  • What do you believe Folio 2R is recording in the top panel?
  • What do you believe Folio 2R is recording in the bottom panel?
  • What does the pattern on the folio’s border record?

Complete the Primary Source Analysis Form when finished.

Folio 2R